Ethan - 7th grade, View Ridge Middle School
I had the pleasure of working with Ethan on some of the fundamental drills executed in track and field. In order, I demonstrate a drill in two directions so the athlete can see both frontal and profile views of proper drill movement(s). I also video record the athlete performing the drill, then show the athlete the video footage so they can see what they are doing, and learn how they see themselves versus how they think they see themselves. Reviewing the footage, Ethan was quite surprised to see that his posture needs a lot of work, as well as some of the basic biomechanical movements that were not being performed as he had thought. Ethan has a long way to go, but as long as he is motivated, he should advance sufficiently. Thankfully, he is only a 7th grader, so he has time to develop before some of these habits become too engrained into his peripheral nervous system.