Lake to Bay Relay, Saturday, July 11! RSVP by Wednesday, June 24!
With the cancellation the Summer Run & Surf Camp and the Spokane to Sandpoint Relay, here is something we can team up for! Whisper introduces the inaugural Lake to Bay Relay, a 52-mile running course starting at Blue Lake Park in Fairview, OR, and finishing at Hudson’s Bay High School. The course runs along Airport Way, I205, east to Camas, along the Lacamas Trail, then heads west to the Salmon Creek Trail, Discovery Trail, and finishes up at Hudson’s Bay. With registration, runners will receive a t-shirt, medal, and a good time! Teams will be formed in groups of 4-6 runners from the Whisper training group and team. Each runner is responsible for three legs of 1.5 to 5 miles per leg. Cost is roughly $35-40 per runner. Click here for the Race Booklet (draft). If your child would like to participate, please email Coach Dave to informally register so we can begin compiling a list of participants. Once we have a list of runners, we will form teams based on ability, preferences, etc. Parents are encouraged to volunteer in any capacity – see page 18 of the Race Booklet for general information. This is truly a team and family event! Thank you!