Building-Up the Kids!

At the heart of any athlete is the desire to succeed, and prioritizing emotional with physical well-being is essential to building the complete person. Team Seminars offer a designated time devoted specifically to open discussions around emotional wellness and self-confidence. Common topics include:

With an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science, a Masters Degree in Sport & Exercise Pscyhology, and 20+ years of teaching Health-related curriculum at Clark College, Dave Caldwell offers seminars to all sports, athletes, and coaches.

  • Getting to know you.

  • How your sport works (athletes providing analysis and evaluation of their sport which demonstrates higher level thinking).

  • Psychological Skills Training (Topics): Goal Setting, Stress/Anxiety Management, Overcoming Adversity, Mental Imagery, Self-Talk, Energy Management, Motivation, Concentration, Self-Confidence, Mental Preparation, Team Unity, Excelling Under Pressure, and Sticking With It.

  • Wellness Topics: Sleep & Performance, Nutrition

  • Personal Training: Resistance Training, Cross-Training, Mobility Training, Yoga, Running, and more. Registration on case by case basis for these services.

Team Seminar

There are a number of sport psychology tools that can be implemented to prioritize an athletes emotional well-being. Team meetings take place in a classroom setting, away from the field of play in a low-pressure setting, where topics can be discussed at length. Having a classroom space to allow for open dialogue around self-confidence, self-esteem, etc., meanwhile practicing Psychological Skills Training aimed at reducing general anxiety, provides a person with greater control over their mental and physical states.

Weekly, bimonthly, or monthly meetings can be held at Clark College in a traditional classroom space reserved by Whisper Running. Classroom reservation and materials provided are included in registration. Three meetings minimum is recommended, with topic options discussed between sport coach and Whisper Running. Connect with Dave Caldwell at 360-989-0935 or to discuss seminar topics.