Since March of 2020, Whisper is comprised of roughly 30% high school cross-country runners, a 15% increase from 2019. These are exciting numbers, as the maturity of seasoned runners can provide a pathway for younger runners to emulate.
2017, our first Summer Training session. Scour through the picture and you’ll find many familiar faces still running in the Whisper program, and also for their high school.
High school cross-country resumes today throughout Clark County. For our high school runners now taking part in their (away from) home program at the high school level, they will not only be in new training environments with new paths and streets to run, but also under the guidance and tutelage of their high school coaches and coach philosophies apart from what they’ve come to know at Whisper.
I often say, “_____ is the best part of Whisper,” but knowing that our runners are engaging with new teammates and learning new philosophies to training and running is what will shape them, guide them, and hone their own philosophies about training, running, and hopefully, life. This is truly the best part of Whisper. This is called Growth, and it’s important.
Though our high school runners will be missed while they are away, their departure will offer our younger generation of runners an opportunity to step into leadership roles, either physically, emotionally, socially, or all the above. Rather than seeing the backsides of the elders from teams Blue and Purple (our two front groups at practice), their vision will consist of a breath of fresh air, with any perceived limitations being their own imagination. Teams Red, Green, and Yellow will now be the front groups, providing an opportunity for those within these groups to take on greater roles and responsibilities at Whisper.