Who: NO RUNCARD NEEDED FOR THIS RUN - Families and siblings may join, as long as they can keep up (we will average 7:30-8-minute mile pace, stopping for many pictures along the way)
What: Join us for a Fa La La La Run to see Christmas lights somewhere in east Vancouver or Camas. Location and day (Tuesday or Thursday - determined by the weather forecast) will be set by Sunday, December 19. This is a non-Runcard event and parents/siblings (who can run at or better than an 8-minute mile) are welcome to join. The route will be 5-6 miles through neighborhoods.
Where: Grass Valley Park (3211 NW 38th Ave, Camas, WA, which is across from Lacamas Athletic Club.
Run Route (4-6 easy miles): Click to view Garmin Connect route.