EVENT: The Mook XC Invite. Click here for race information and race start times. Please arrive at least one hour prior to start time to ensure everyone has an opportunity to comfortably prepare for the race. Races start at 9:00 AM MS Girls 3k, 9:30 AM MS Boys 3k. High School races start at 10AM and you are welcome to remain at the venue as long or as little as you like.
EVENT INFO FROM HOST: See the Mook XC Invite page for event details.
TRAVEL: The location of this race is approximately two hours from Vancouver, Washington. This meet is quite large, so please account for traffic when you calculate your departure time.
PARKING: Busses will need to park at a parking lot about 1/2 mile away. Drop athletes off at The Mook and proceed to parking area. See Parking Map here.
LODGING: If you wish to turn this event into a weekend at/near the beach, you may consider hotel accommodations. Click here to begin your Google search for hotels in Tillamook.
WHISPER RUNNERS: Once at the tent, put on your race bib (on the front of your singlet) and relax until we begin our warmup, which will begin approximately 45-minutes before the start of the race.
Restrooms (port-a-potties) will be available at the venue.