Practice Location:Pacific Park (1515 N.E. 164th Ave - Vancouver, WA).
Parking: Using the PDF map as a guide, please park (drop-off) in/at the parking lot between the Off-Lease Dog Park and Extreme Sports Park (Skate Park). Coach Dave will meet all runners at the large, covered picnic shelter located near the Community Play area. Training at this location will include running a variety of intervals on the marked (with orange 12" cones) trail. The outside loop is approximately 1800m, with 1600m being dirt and compact gravel.
OPTIONAL: Following practice, all runners are invited over for breakfast at Coach Dave's house, which is located within walking distance from the parking lot at Pacific Park. Thank you! We will be done with breakfast by noon. Parents, feel free to come by anytime between 11:30am-noon for pick-up.
Coaches Address: 16409 NE 13th St. - Vancouver, WA
All registered Whisper Runners welcome to join. Not a member? Go here to find out more about Whisper training.