NOTE: Saturday runs are NOT coach-led. Rather, Saturday runs are for kids who are prepared to run at least six continuous miles at a rate of 6:30-8:00 minutes per mile. This is not for beginners. If your child cannot complete six miles on their own at the suggested pace, then they should practice longer runs (5-7 miles) on their own, then join these runs when they are ready. If you are not sure whether your child is ready, ask Coach Dave. Coach Dave will not be at these practices. The placement of this notification on the Calendar page is merely for those who are aware of the Saturday runs and are wanting to know where to meet, what time to meet, etc. These runs will be just runs, no intervals or fartlek’s, no drills, and no stopping. Water breaks are minimal to nonexistent since the kids who run these distances are prepared to do so without the need for water. Hydrations for these runs happens in the days leading up to Saturday runs, and the morning of the run.
WHO: Youth (mostly advanced middle school and high school runners) runners.
WHERE: Meeting at Union High School (6201 NW Friberg-Strunk St, Camas, WA) and running an agreed upon loop in the area.
The use of a running belt that carries a phone is highly recommended.